My newest book, and the latest adventure in the Ollie series, has recently published in the US and UK with Simon & Schuster.

Ollie is very excited that she’s getting to spend the day with Milo, her Grandma’s puppy, but things don’t quite go to plan! It’s a tale of friendship, falling out, forgiveness and having fun together!
Here are the character sketches I painted before starting on the artwork for the book.

When I was little we had a dog called Mugs who was a real character, and there’s definitely a little bit of his mischievous streak in Milo’s character. When I started working on this story, every time I went out for a walk I observed all the dogs and what they were getting up to – including one who jumped straight into the flooded meadow! I wonder if you can guess which page was inspired by this?!

The book is also out in Italian, French, French (Canadian) and Portuguese.